Saturday, March 22, 2014

Thing 8 Comic and Book Creation

Comic Creation

After many frustrating tries to download Story Me, I gave up!  So, my comic was made with Comic Maker HD.  I was frustrated that I didn't have another app to compare.  I shared my comic with my students and they were very excited to see it and asked when they were going to make them.  Making comics would motivate low readers and writers to be able to read others' comics and be able to write for others.   Some ideas for using comics in second grade:
1.  Writing and illustrating jokes.
2.  Showing beginning, middle and end of a short story and developing characters.

3.  Comics can be used to help students work out social situations (problems at recess).

Book Creation

How To Take Care of Pets 

Book Creator was a very easy app to learn and use.  So easy, a kid could use it!  I asked my son to help me write a story.  He came up with the idea to make a How To book.  We planned the pages, made a list of pictures we needed and then got started.  He was so excited to share the story when we were finished.  Some ideas for using Book Creator in second grade:
1.  Writing and illustrating back to school books Meet Me & My Family
2.  Students could document the process of planting seeds throughout the plant life cycle until harvest of seeds.  They take pictures and comment throughout the 40-day process.
3.  A class collaboration book to show what 2nd grade is all about.  This would be used the next year to introduce the incoming class to 2nd grade.

Students making a book to document the plant life cycle will need to monitor and comment daily on the growth and changes with their plant.  These actions relate to analyzing and evaluating which in turn relate to the SAMR Model as Modification and Redefinition.  

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