Sunday, March 9, 2014

Thing 2 - Connecting and Communicating

Thing 2 - Build your PLN

The "experts" of education are those who are in the classrooms, working with kids, on a daily basis.  By using Twitter, I have access to these experts everyday.  Feedback can be immediate.

My only concern would be to know if the "expert" offering advice is truly an educator as their profile indicates.


Participate in a Video Call

Professional learning happens on a daily basis with authentic, honest dialogue.  Being able to chat quickly face to face with someone about a topic spurs ideas.  In our call, Julie and I talked about the homework for this class and shared about our comfort level regarding the tasks we were accomplishing.  It was helpful/comforting to know I am not the only one feeling overwhelmed and unsure of my skill level.

I could see video calls being used in my classroom to provide a field trip "in".  This is where we bring the trip to us rather than the class boarding a bus.  This would increase our time with the guest speaker and cut down on the cost of having guest speakers to our classroom.

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