Friday, April 4, 2014

Thing 11 Productivity

Productivity - Scanning & Saving

This is a copy of a receipt that I will need to turn in to our PTCO.  It shows how I  have spent my funding from them.

This notebook shows two different purchases I have made using my PTCO funds.


I had a good opportunity to put these things to use this week.  I received a lengthy letter with some attached documentation from a parent this week.  I had to turn the original documents into our ISD school psychologist.  I wanted documentation of receiving this information.  I was able to use tiny scan and save this document in case this information is misplaced.  Since this is a time sensitive issue, I have documentation of when the scan took place and was saved.

There are occasions that I may need to access documents to show to someone, but may not have access to a computer.  In that case, that would be a CON to digitizing data.  However, I think these apps will help me keep track of important test scores and documents without having stacks of papers to store.

I tend to "lose" my desktop often throughout the school year.  I think I will be able to digitize a lot of test scores, for example running records.  One student can read through several levels each time they are tested for their reading level.  We keep track of their independent level and their instructional level.  This equates to approximately 3-5 pages per student times 28 students times 5+test times per year.  This equals too many papers piled on my desk!  I also think I can walk around with my iPad and take notes on different students.  I won't lose little stickies and they will be much easier to organize.

I shared what I learned with my husband who has been searching for business receipts for our family business.  I let him know that I can help him to digitize his receipts and other documents.  This will ease his stress when generating reports and gathering information to give our accountant.  I'm sure our accountant will love it, too!

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